Sunday, March 30, 2008

Knowledge is power

Knowledge is power. In a MMO, this is more true than a great deal of players care to admit. As we level, we find what works for us and we stick with it into end game. The problem with that is end game is designed to challenge us; to force us to think outside our comfort zone and come up with solutions we just wouldn't have thought of in solo play. I remember as my Alliance guild was moving out of Karazhan and into 25 man content, I had hit a DPS ceiling with my Rogue. I had the gear, but the knowledge ( some would say skill ) just wasn't there. I had grown accustomed to my backstab x5 Eviserate approach. It had served me well in Karazhan, so it should be fine for Serpentshrine Cavern, I believed. I couldn't have been more wrong. My class had more complexity than that, but it took someone else to show me the way. Knowing how to increase my DPS through better choices in ability rotation led me to a much easier solo game as well as PvP.

Without detailed knowledge of your chosen class, you leave a great deal of the power your class has to offer untapped. Tapping into that unknown power is the key to MMO greatness.

The following are just a few of the multitude of websites that can help you make that jump from an average WoW player to a great WoW player.

WoW Wiki

WoW Wiki is the wikipedia of World of Warcraft. Every playstyle can benefit from this site. It details everything from combat formulas for the number crunchers to the massive amounts of lore for the roleplayer. Almost any general WoW related question can find it's answer at WoW Wiki. If you play WoW and WoW Wiki isn't bookmarked, then you may be one of those players other players are complaining about.

Elitist Jerks

The Elitist Jerk forums have some of the most comprehensive class guides you are likely to find. Whatever you do though, do not post there. Let me repeat that. Do not post there. Any post you can make will only make you look foolish. These guys have forgotten more about WoW than you can hope to know. Use the search function, find the information you need, read and learn. Then thank the gods this site exists.

Arena Junkies

So you like the arenas, do you? Think you're all that, do you? Well, Arena Junkies will prove you wrong. This site is dedicated to all things arena. From strategies to class specific macros, this site will teach you what it takes to be a successful gladiator. After following the advice from Arena Junkies, you will watch your rating rise faster than you imagined possible. Don't be arena fodder anymore. Time to be the victor.

Be Imba

Be Imba is a strange site. For one it ends in .hu, which I honestly have no idea what that means. What I do know is that Be Imba is a powerful tool for every level 70 to use. It is a level 70 character auditor. Simply input your server name and character name then hit query report. What you get back is an audit of your characters armory. It will tell you where your gear is lacking, where you can improve your enchants and sockets. It will even tell you where you should be hunting to get better gear. This tool is a must view for every level 70 player, regardless of your playstyle.

WoW Pro

Are you leveling an alt and finding it's still a chore to level? Do you want to be level 70 as soon as possible and don't care one bit about anything else? Go to WoW Pro. Go to their leveling guide section and follow James Alliance/Horde leveling guide. Complete with maps, this guide will lead you by the hand step by step from level 30 to 70 for Alliance and level 21 to 70 for Horde. ( It should be noted there are other guides that lead into the James guides, they are just not written by James ) If you do as James directs, you simply cannot go wrong. You will level faster than you dreamed. And if you follow the guide, you will have enough quests left over after 70 to get you fairly close to your epic flying mount.

So there you have five great websites to help you become a better WoW player. There are tons of others out there and a good MMO player will learn how to find them and use them to their fullest. Arming yourself with all the knowledge that is available to you is the best way to meet your in-game goals.

Happy Hunting!


Next up: A focus on a few must have add ons.