Saturday, April 25, 2009

WoWMatrix Rules! Curse and WowInterface should die! and can go fuck themselves! Yeah, you heard me. Their sites suck. Addons are a pain in the ass to find, especially with Curse autocompleting my search entries to give me returns for things I absolutley wasn't looking for. And the Curse Client is just plain bad as well. It doesnt update properly. I find myself being force to go to their webpage to find addons their client wouldnt update, even though the update is ON THEIR SITE!!!! Now that they've screwed us over my blocking WoWMatrix, they can go blow a goat! WoWInterface who blocked WoWmatrix as well and offers nothing in anyway for a replacement and is so far up Cryptics ass, they have a full page background link to Champions Online!!! So fuck them too. And their Client, MMOUI Minion? ( stupid name by the way ) I found the documentation for it, the FAQ and even screenshots! But guess what!?! Its in Beta and theres NO WHERE to download it! Even though they say the Beta is "public"

So if you ask yourself," Why does David support WoWMatrix? Because it WORKED! So much about our little world is buggy and broken, but WoWMatrix worked everytime. It did exactly what it claimed to do and I didnt need popup blockers and spyware sentries running full board to use it. I support things that work and work well.

I think it's time Blizzard woke up and stepped in. How about Blizzard goes after them now and opens its own addon site?After all, Why should Curse and WoWInterface be allowed to use their World of Warcraft related websites to sell advertising to Blizzards competition? Blizzard step up to the plate. Create an addon "armory" or an addon "store" for us to download our addons from. It doesnt have to be perfect, and a simple disclaimer that Blizzard doesnt tech support any of the addons would be needed, of course. But hey, its Blizzard's game, Blizzard hard work, Blizzard's IP and if Curse and WoWInetrface are gonna make money from blizzards competition and then complain and block the ONLY tool that works for ALL my addons, then they've made themselves fair game. How is it NOT ok to ask for donations to support an single addons website, but ok to sell advertising to your competitors while hosting multiple addons? Personally, after thinking about this hypocracy, I think either Blizzard has to tell Curse and WoWInterface to cease and desist or Carbonite should sue. Blizzard, you guys don't like other people making cash from your IP, its time to get serious about that and replace these sites with one of your own!