Thursday, January 13, 2011

When words are meaningless

Jared Lee Loughner once asked Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, "What is government when words are meaningless?"

Jared Lee Loughner became obsessed with words and their meanings. He demanded deductive arguments and rejected inductive arguments completely, but couldn't recognize the difference between the two. Lost in his own incoherence, Jared's mind saw only his own dreamstate as reality, and this reality as the dream. And who can blame him.

Words have meanings. These meanings are agreed upon and placed into a big book which we call the dictionary. But over the last decade or so, we as a culture have been changing the language, blurring the meanings of words. We call things that which they are not and demand that everyone accept this new definition. Communist, Anarchist, Socialist, Fascist. These words have meanings. And we have allowed the punditry to usurp their meanings and label those around us with false terms used only to incite fear and illicit the desired response.

In an educated America, this false labeling could not occur. So, the punditry rejects the educated and chooses instead to follow a shout the loudest and it's true method. Death tax. The Angry Left. Death panels. Hillarycare or more recently Obamacare.

Espoused beliefs that are never followed like: Fiscal responsibility, Never forget the heroes of 9/11, Support the troops, A pledge to America, all lead to a world where the words that are being said are meaningless, because those saying them are not telling the truth, they are not being real, they are fake. And in Jared's disturbed mind, these people who were not real they were fake people.

Jared once asked Rep. Giffords a question, when she didn't answer the question to his liking, he told his friends that she was a fake. And from that point on, if he saw or heard her name, he became upset. He didn't bring it up, but if it was already there, he expressed his discontent and his belief that she, like all in Washington, were fake, a feeling many of us have had and would readily agree with were we there to hear Jared say it.

But, Jared took it further than the rest of us. He saw something dire in the way language was being used. Something sinister and ultimately infinite. He saw a conspiracy that changed the date to an infinite year, one that could never change and could not be escaped from. He saw alternate realities in which the world was not like this and found that he could visit those worlds through lucid dreams. He saw pictures from Mars and saw a conspiracy in which NASA was doctoring up images of space to fool the American people. He believed the Mars Rover mission and all of the Space Shuttle missions had been faked. There simply was no real in this reality.

The image above is a billboard for Tuscon radio station, KNST, Tuscons Conservative talk radio. It is located just three miles from the Safeway where Jared Lee Loughner opened fire. And it is a perfect example of how we usurp the meanings of things.

straight shooter
n. Informal
One who is honest and forthright.

But, if we place bullet holes around that title, it changes it's meaning. It no longer just means honest. It means something else entirely. Blood libel means something too, or did until Sarah Palin used the term the other day and now it means something completely different. Because she ( or rather her handlers )says so. We allow these people to invent their own meanings for things and redefine our culture in the process. Without definitive meaning, there is no discourse, no debate, no consensus , no compromise. We spend our time debating the meanings of words, instead of the actual issue at hand. Without definitive meaning, the words just become a white noise. Like the people of Babel, our speech has become confounded. Our words have become meaningless.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You don’t allow the government to control your grammar structure, listener?

Jared Lee Loughner is a disturbed young man. This is not up for debate. The question is what disturbed him?

Amidst all the rhetoric being thrown around, the rush to judgment, the finger pointing, the press is now trying to spin a picture of a young man with no political agenda at all. According to them, Jared is just some loon who shot people.

But, nothing could be further from the truth. Jared is a loon with a political agenda. One that may not be instantly recognizable as either right or left but an political agenda nonetheless.

Jared placed a video on YouTube entitled Introduction: Jared Loughner. It is just text on a black background with soft music playing. The first words seen by the viewer are: My final thoughts: Jared Lee Loughner!

The introduction alone tells us that this is Jared's message to the world, his explanation for the crime he was about to commit. His explanation for what drove him to this place. It is a picture into the very troubled mind of this young man.

You don’t allow the government to control your grammar structure, listener?

a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon.

The majority of citizens in the United States of America have never read the United States of America’s Constitution.

You don’t have to accept the federalist laws.

Nonetheless, read the United States of America’s Constitution to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws.

The property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution.

The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar

No! I won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver!

These are not the statements of someone who is non political. His actions, attempted assassination of a sitting Congresswoman are not the actions of someone non political.

Was Jared reacting against Tea Party politics? Was he in support of Tea Party politics? Only Jared knows. Someday, he may make that known to all of us. Right or left? doesn't matter. What matters is the attempt to turn Jared Lee Loughner into a non political ignores the truth and , in my opinion, dishonors the dead. they died for a reason. It is Jared Lee Loughners reason, but there is a reason. We need to remember that.

Jared Lee Loughner will be reduced to a name in the rhetoric soon enough. But the rhetorical Jared Lee Loughner is not who this disturbed young man really was. He is not some non political kid. He had a message. One that may have been misguided and crazy but a message that was his. If we do not attempt to understand that message, if we write him off as a non political nut job, then we run the risk of creating more like Jared Lee Loughner.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Blame Game is more than justified

The condemnation of those that rushed to judgment concerning the motives of Jared Lee Loughner, the man who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) is valid. We shouldn't rush to judgment. We had and still have almost no idea why this young man decided that violence was the answer.

But, is anyone really surprised by the judgment itself? Take a schizophrenic young man and place him into an environment of angry hate filled rhetoric and the surprise isn't Loughners crime, but the fact that it's not happening more often.

And let's not forget Jim David Adkisson, who some on the very very far right consider a hero after he walked into a church with a shotgun and opened fire killing 2 and injuring 7 before he was done. Adkisson's prime motivation was, in his own words, "he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them in to office."

When searching the mans home, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

The Tea party's message is Don't blame us, but how can we not look to the environment of violence that they have bred and not place at least some of the blame squarely on their shoulders? They claim that because Jared Lee Loughner was not on their membership roles then, of course, he wasn't a Tea Partier who turned violent. After all, the Tea Party and it's member have never promoted violence right?



Nope, not them.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Want more money? Vote Democrat!

There are many reasons people vote Republican. One of them is the fear the Democrats will take their money and the Republicans will cut taxes and put more money in your pocket.

But look at these numbers from the Wall Street Journal:

PresidentJobs createdJobs when leaving officeJobs when enetering officePayroll expansion
George W. Bush 3.0 million135.5 million132.5 million2.3%
Bill Clinton 23.1 million132.5 million109.4 million 21.1%
George H.W. Bush2.5 million 109.4 million106.9 million 2.3%
Ronald Reagan16.0 million 106.9 million 90.9 million 17.6%
Jimmy Carter10.5 million90.9 million80.4 million13.1%
Gerald Ford1.8 million80.4 million78.6 million2.3%
Richard Nixon9.4 million 78.6 million 69.2 million 13.6%
Lyndon Johnson11.9 million 69.2 million57.3 million20.8%
John F. Kennedy3.6 million57.3 million53.7 million6.7%
Dwight Eisenhower3.5 million53.7 million 50.2 million7%
Harry Truman8.4 million50.2 million41.8 million20.1%

Here's whats interesting. In average, Democratic presidents create nearly two times more jobs and salaries increase almost three times faster than under their Republican counter parts.

On average, Democrat president created 11.5 million jobs per president while Republicans created only 6.03 million jobs per president. Additionally, averages payrolls expanded by 25.1% per president under Democrats while Republican presidents were only able to generate a comparably meager 7.5% per president.

So, if you're struggling and need a job or a raise...who are YOU going to vote for?

Source: Wall Street Journal January 9, 2009