Saturday, March 29, 2008

You should be listening! Five WoW Podcasts

Anyone who has ITunes installed ( and for those that don't, it's free and you should have it ) and plays World of Warcraft should do themselves a favor and subscribe to a few WoW podcasts. Some of them are amazingly informative, others are funny, and others are awful...but funny in how they are utterly full of fail. The following five podcasts are the cream of the crop. While not all are stunning, each of them offers information every WoW player should be aware of. If knowledge is power, these podcasts will make you a much more powerful player by expanding your general knowledge of the game.

The Instance

The Instance is without a doubt my favorite WoW related podcast. Its funny, its silly, its informative and its the most professionally done of all the WoW related podcasts. Scott Johnson is the main host. This is the brain behind ExtraLife radio, and the web comic, MyExtraLife. The Instance has just hit it's 100th episode and has features such as Mod of the Week from Patrick , PvP tip of the week from Mean Gene, guests and the ultimate co-host Randy "Deluxe" I cannot recommend this podcast enough.

The Instance
4 stars

Legendary Thread

1Up's official WoW podcast is done as a panel discussion with the same 4 or 5 people coming back episode after episode, informing us of their characters trails and tribulations and very informed game news. And I have to say Brian Scott's OCD approach to WoW, while not the focus of the show, keeps me coming back for more and more. The only problem with this podcast is it's lack of regularity. Releasing about a podcast a month, these folks really know their stuff and because it's a panel discussion, they come at the subject of WoW from nearly all playstyles.

Legendary Thread
4 stars

World of Warcast

Starman and Renata may not sound like professional broadcasters but that doesn't stop them from producing one very slick WoW podcast. I have to admit this show would have only gotten 3 stars had I done this blog prior to their last episode ( #57 ) but Renata really stepped up to the plate with her reputation "experiment" What she did in this episode is the definitive study in reputation gain and is a must listen for any WoW player interested in the ins and outs of this aspect of our game.

World of Warcast
3 1/2 stars

Epic Dolls

Epic Dolls hosts Leala and Arcavia voice this podcast with all the flair of two of the geekiest riot grrls ever to play WoW. These ladies know the game and deliver a decent podcast that is enjoyable enough to come back for week after week. Arcavia just finished leveling her FIFTH class to 70! ( yes, you read that correctly. She has 5 level 70 characters and still finds time to raid. Take that, noobs! ) Describing this podcast is difficult, so I'll give you some idea of why it's so good.

You know how there's always this clamoring about how girls game too and the female perspective on male dominated hobbies? There's none of that here. You get a female perspective from gamers who just happen to be female. None of the "we can do it too!" sloganing. They just do it. They do it well. And you should be listening.

Epic Dolls
3 stars

World of Warcraft Chronicles

The well produced Wow Chronicles gets a little lost in the crowd of WoW podcasts. An interesting discussion in every episode is guaranteed, but there's nothing that sets this podcast apart from the others. Often enjoyable, never boring, a listener would never regret listening to WoW Chronicles, but they aren't left craving more either. All in all, it's good enough to get your WoW podcast fix after you've listened to the other four and it's professionalism keeps it from failing like so many other WoW podcasts.


2 1/2 stars

And there we have the what are, in my opinion, the top five WoW related podcasts. All can be found for free on ITunes and make for great listening while grinding up your fishing skill, or working the AH to make your next 1000 gold.


Next up: Websites that will turn you from a WoW noob to a WoW Pro.

1 comment:

Leala Turkey said...

Nicest review ever! Thank you. =)