Monday, April 14, 2008

Scammer pwn'd by Blizzard

For all those who say that Blizzard doesn't know whats going on in their game, I submit the following:

A poster,
Kiranth, on the official WoW forums posted a thread. Here is the text:

i at last was able to get my flying skill, i got it on a monday used it til the server went down for updates on tuesday morning, when i got back on the skill wasnt there, but i still have my epic flying mount ? but can no longer use it, i talked to gms they said they cant find my history, so they dont know why i have the epic mount but no skill, all they said is i have to buy the skill again, i talked to many gms every day for a month, then after that the gms said i waited too long , what else can i do? i talked to gms i sent emails to Blizz at this point im getting to i dont even fell like playing anymore and thinking of quiting my 3 accounts and cancelling them, the lack of help is very frustrating, one of the GMs said that it sucks to be me! what else can i do, blizz is ignore n me and will not help me so im posting this maybe someone in blizz will do something to help

Based on the grammar, spelling, lack of proper capitalization, we can assume this poster is either young, English is not their first language or a complete idiot. Personally, I'm going with the last choice.

Several posters responded, all trying to figure out what happened to this poor soul. Isn't it amazing how everyone who plays a video game seems to think they understand all the code and infrastructure behind it?

Then in pops
Auryk, fearless blue poster to shed some light on the subject. Here's the text:

Alright, Kiranth, sorry for the delay I had a lot of information to look through. Seeing as how this took place about two months ago, the logs were a little harder to look up. Let me go though, step by step, and detail the turn of events as I see them:

You first petition in on Saturday, 02/16/2008 at approximately 02:09:10(GMT) asking that we look into your missing flight skill that you claim to have purchased five days prior. In that petition you declare that you purchased the epic riding skill on Sunday with the money you had been saving up for two months and were playing “till the servers went down for maintenance on Monday morning.”

According to my records you were offline when the Game Master attempted to contact you. So as you said, they sent you an e-mail.

I see that you re-petition in that same day, almost nine hours later at 11:10:44(GMT). Here you mention that you are missing the riding skill that you just leaned on Monday, and that you played all night until you were kicked off Tuesday morning.

Again, I see that you were not online when the Game Master received your petition, so they send you a second e-mail stating that they were unable to verify the loss of the gold on this skill.

The very next day 02/17/2008 you petition in twice more; once at 03:33:01(GMT), which (as you have even stated here in this post) mentioning that you borrowed most of the gold to be able to purchase this skill. Unfortunately this was also received while you were offline; e-mail sent asking you for more information on the issue – specifically a timeframe of when this happened. The second being, at 15:39:25, where you actually got to speak to a Game Master, who informs you that they are unable to verify that you ever purchased this skill.

After that I see no contact being made with anyone from our In-Game Customer Support Department until 03/06/2008 at 20:04:07(GMT). At this point it has already been over three and a half weeks since you said you have purchased the epic flying riding skill. Again you get in contact with a Game Master while online, and they inform you that they are unable to verify you purchasing the skill and apologize, letting you know that they are not going to be able to reimburse you for the skill.

Since then I see no further contact with us until this post, which ambiguously mentions that on “a Monday” you got the skill and no longer have it, and would like it to be looked into.

I understand that you were unable to petition in via the in-game client, whether it was because your account’s billing cycle had lapsed, as you say in your third petition – due to the fact that you were away on a trip, as you claim in your fifth petition – or because you had to get a new computer (including a “fairly good graphics card” and double the ram of your old computer) as you told your guildmates – however in the future, I would recommend that you take the time to send an e-mail into if you ever experience an issue that is fairly important to you. This way we can look into it as soon as it takes place.

I have a feeling, however, that in this specific case would not have done much good, if any at all. The reason I say this is because upon doing a few searches of my own, I see that at 2/11/08 at approximately 20:48:45(GMT) you zone into the Outlands with 149 gold 98 silver and 42 copper. I see that at 21:38:05(GMT) you purchase your Red Riding Nether Ray (which at Exalted with Sha'tari Skyguard costs 160 gold). Following that, you log out with about 14g99s42c, congratulations on your Primal Waters selling. :0)

A search within a few days of this purchase shows that at no time did you have the 5000(ish) gold that is required for purchasing the riding skill itself.

I also find it a bit confusing when you mention on 03/01/2008 between 20:12:20 and 20:12:51 that you, “cant wait for the faster mount” because you “just need the skill [cause you] already have Red Riding Nether Ray”

I hope this clears up any confusion or frustration you may have about this situation, the only thing I have left is that I would like to take this time to remind you of our stance on Defrauding or Attempting to Defraud a GM, Kiranth. Whenever possible, we try to give players the benefit of the doubt in questionable situations. We honestly hope players do not attempt to take advantage of this trust, and provide their full cooperation. However, if we later find that an attempt was made to defraud a GM, the offending player may have action taken against them. Attempts to defraud a GM include, but are not limited to, misdirecting a GM's attention, withholding information, providing false information, and any attempt to "trick" a GM.

Now, THAT is some research, huh? The fact that all of this information ( I especially like the primal waters comment ) is logged and somewhere for Blizzard to look over gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling. Call me a fanboy if you like, but I just LOVE it when Blizzard lays the smackdown on some idiot. Ever notice it's always the dumbest person in the room who thinks they're the smartest? Well, hopefully this is one moron who learned his lesson. Kudos to Auryk on one of the funniest smackdowns I have seen in a long time.

What do you think?

NOTE: I accidentally edited out the initial credit for this article. WoW Insider had an article on this subject which prompted me to comment on it as well.

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