Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So you want to be a guild master?

Hi. Join my guild

I am currently unguilded. Today, as I was running through Shat, I suddenly get an invite to a guild. I didn't join the guild of course, but I did speak to the level 15 hunter who was trying to recruit my level 70 mage to his new raiding guild. And yes, his highest level character is the 15 hunter.

The conversation went something like this:

ME: Hello. You know you really shouldn't send out guild invites without first asking the person if they want to join a guild. It's considered rude.

LEVEL 15 HUNTER: Do you want to join?

ME: I don't know. What does your guild have to offer?

LEVEL 15 HUNTER: Offer? We aren't paying people to join.

ME: I mean, what type of guild will you be?

LEVEL 15 HUNTER: A fun one ( I roll my eyes )

ME: What's your web address so I can read up on your guild?


ME: Do you have a website yet?

LEVEL 15 HUNTER: No. We are gonna be a raiding guild. We don't need a website.

ME: Hmmm...OK. So if you're going to raid, will you be using DKP?


And it only got worse from there. I knew I was dealing with someone who had no idea what they were getting into and I took it upon myself to point this person towards a few free guild web hosts and explained what Ventrillo is. Yes, I had to explain to him what Ventrillo is and why it's useful.

The experience got me thinking about how many guilds are out there now and how there are so many that never meet their in game goals simply because those in charge, shouldn't be. So this is for all of you folks out there who are thinking about breaking away from your guild and starting your own.

What you need

Anyone starting their own guild should have the following things:

1) Alot of free time.

Nothing is worse for a guildie than being a member of a guild who's guild master is missing in action most of the time. Be prepared to spend alot of time online. Your presence is necessary. Players who are in guilds simply to have a guild tag above their heads will not contribute to a guild and those that want to contribute will expect their leader to take an active role.

2) Know alot about the game.

It's not enough to just want a guild because you think it will be cool. A guild master should have a vast working knowledge of the game. You don't need to know every little detail, but you better understand more about the game than the average WoW player. Only a fool would follow a fool.

3) Purchase a Vetrillo server.

Yes I know, WoW has in game chat, but it's really bad, especially for raiding. It is far too limited to give your guild the edge it needs in a raid, in a 5 man or even just for a guild event. So if you cannot afford a Ventrillo server ( at least a 50 man ) then find a guild to join. Don't start your own.

4) Have a website.

There are plenty of guild web hosts out there that offer free hosting. It won't cost you a dime. Look at a few, decide which you prefer and use it. When not in game members will need to check in for guild news and event times. A website offers this option. Without it, it's like doing an instance without buffs. It can be done, but it's much harder and just plain stupid.

5) A modest temperament

As a guild mater, you will be called upon to set guild goals, manage members and settle disputes. Very few people will ever say thank you. You must be able to keep your cool when everyone else is flipping out. And you must be able to see all sides of an issue, not just your own.

Yes, there are plenty of guild masters out there who do not have the right temperament and their guilds progress. But look at the WoW forums and look how much drama is created by that. Drama kills guilds. Period.

Yeah that's me

So you can do all five of those things? Well, son, that's just the beginning of what you will need. But that's a whole other article.

If, on the other hand, you lack one or more of the above five, then rethink your reasons for starting your own guild. Remember a guild isn't just a guild. It's an in game home. And by creating one, you are saying you will be responsible for your members leisure time. For every player out there, WoW represents their escape from the real world. If you choose to lead you are saying you will help ferry them through that world. That's alot of responsibility. Its alot of hard work. And if you don't have what it takes, you will only cause yourself and a great many others alot of grief.

Don't be that guy.

- Grimme

The Grind Podcast

1 comment:

Steve said...

j00 shuld join my gild - we r teh raiding awesomenes lolz.

