This week, President Obama delivered what he called a framework for a compromise between the Democrats and Republicans and the spin machines went into high gear.
On the right, claims were made of a major victory, of a tax lowering, job creating triumph over the Democrats and even make claims that this "framework" ,none of which is yet law or even a real bill, for that matter, is yet another simulus package.
On the left, the word "capitulation" has been thrown around with such vigor that one would think it was the progressive vocabulary word of the week. So like any good vocabulary builder, the definition of the word should be thrown out for all to see.
Capitulate - to surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms.
Does it apply?
President Obama released his compromise framework on December 6th. Congress would have been in session until at least December 23rd. Of course, they wouldnt have been in session every single day, but in Washington, the phones are always being worked, deals are constantly being made, in session or not. Additionally, the Democrats could have played the political strategy of keeping congress in session through the regular holiday break, working beyond December 23rd right through Christmas and up to New Years Eve. As we all know, politicians are often slaves to the polls and as we also know public opinion can change on a dime given the right circumstance.
Public opinion, in this case, was with the Democrats. Under their plan, 98% of all Americans would have kept their current tax rates, while only 2%, the richest 2%, would have seen an increase in their taxes next year. With a skyrocketing deficit, public opinion realized that someone has to pay for the bailouts ( which bailed out the richest 2% ) the wars ( the richest 2% does not fight and die in ) and the stimulus packages ( from which the richest 2% are not hurting are only positively effected ). Like Mr. Potter, in "It's a wonderful life", they see that now is the time to buy when they can get the most bang for their buck. And when the economy gets better and they will again have, while the have-nots struggle to find the cash to purchase a portion of the American Dream for themselves.
Additionally, none of the tax cuts are funded. This means another round of selling our debt to China, Japan, Britain and a host of oil rich middle eastern countries whose population see the United States as just plain evil. There are varying reports, but the tax cut for the rich will cost us between 700 and 800 billion dollars as of which we are putting on credit for future generations to pay. We are the architects of their poverty.
President Obama justified his decision by saying that the unemployed and the lwer tax brackets were being "held hostage" by the Republicans and while not negotioating would have been the politically smart move, he couldn't risk the lives of the hostages. So as many on the left put it, he capitulated.
When Chamberlain was patting himself on the back for achieving "peace in our time", Winston Churchill said:
"This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time."
There have been many comparisons over the last 48 hours. I am going to point out why this comparison is false.
This "framework for compromise' is not the "first sip, not the "first foreatste of a bitter cup." In the last two years, that bitter cup has been handed to progressives time and time again, and our leader, our President, has asked us to drink from it.
To be fair, President Obama has a point. Something is better than nothing. Making advances through compromise is better than no progress while clinging to principle, but the cup is still bitter. And that cup may just turn to poison if the Republicans follow through with their threats to repeal those advances and unfund what they can't repeal.
And this is where Obama is not a capitulator. He hears their threats and believes they won't actually follow through. He sees their threats as political posturing and very little more. So, he throws them a bone, expecting them to be satisfied. But, recent history has shown that this does not satisfy them. They in fact cannot be satisfied. President Obamas compromises have only emboldened his political opponents. They want more and more and the more he gives, the more they feel they can get from him in the future. This will only get worse when they take control of the House of Representatives in January.
The public option, tax breaks for the rich, the estate tax, these things are but the Sudetenland. In January, the Republicans will show us their Poland.
Appease - to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.
It will be hard. It will not be easy. There will be casualties in this fight. ( My own family currently relies on the extended unemployment insurance, so the casualties may be right in my own home ) but to continue along this dangerous path of appeasement is only feeding the monster. We must fight or the monster will devour us and with it, the hope of a better and brighter future.
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