Saturday, January 8, 2011

112 - Day 4 - Transparency Republican Style

GOP lawmakers in the House, true to form, voted to remove the rule, from their own promised rulebook requiring them to post committee meeting attendance publicly.

from their own Pledge to America:

We will fight to ensure transparency and
accountability in Congress and throughout

This clear violation of the Pledge to America is just the latest in a string of gaffs from the not even a week old House majority. Where is accountability if the American Voter can't even check to see if his/her Congressperson is even in attendance?

from their own Pledge to America:

Cut government spending to pre-stimulus, prebailout
levels saving at least $100 billion in the
first year alone

Now down to $50 billion, though most predict they wont come anywhere close to that.

from their own Pledge to America:

We will adhere to the Constitution and require every
bill to cite its specific Constitutional Authority

Except where it requires them to leave a party to be sworn in before actually voting.

from their own Pledge to America:

We will fight efforts to use a national crisis for
partisan gain

Except, of course, when it applies to the Right scoring political points with grand meaningless gestures like the doomed to never pass the Senate or be signed by the President, Health Care Repeal. Then, its completely ok to waste the time and money of the taxpayer.


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