Wednesday, January 12, 2011

You don’t allow the government to control your grammar structure, listener?

Jared Lee Loughner is a disturbed young man. This is not up for debate. The question is what disturbed him?

Amidst all the rhetoric being thrown around, the rush to judgment, the finger pointing, the press is now trying to spin a picture of a young man with no political agenda at all. According to them, Jared is just some loon who shot people.

But, nothing could be further from the truth. Jared is a loon with a political agenda. One that may not be instantly recognizable as either right or left but an political agenda nonetheless.

Jared placed a video on YouTube entitled Introduction: Jared Loughner. It is just text on a black background with soft music playing. The first words seen by the viewer are: My final thoughts: Jared Lee Loughner!

The introduction alone tells us that this is Jared's message to the world, his explanation for the crime he was about to commit. His explanation for what drove him to this place. It is a picture into the very troubled mind of this young man.

You don’t allow the government to control your grammar structure, listener?

a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon.

The majority of citizens in the United States of America have never read the United States of America’s Constitution.

You don’t have to accept the federalist laws.

Nonetheless, read the United States of America’s Constitution to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws.

The property owners and government officials are no longer in ownership of their land and laws from a revolution.

The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar

No! I won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver!

These are not the statements of someone who is non political. His actions, attempted assassination of a sitting Congresswoman are not the actions of someone non political.

Was Jared reacting against Tea Party politics? Was he in support of Tea Party politics? Only Jared knows. Someday, he may make that known to all of us. Right or left? doesn't matter. What matters is the attempt to turn Jared Lee Loughner into a non political ignores the truth and , in my opinion, dishonors the dead. they died for a reason. It is Jared Lee Loughners reason, but there is a reason. We need to remember that.

Jared Lee Loughner will be reduced to a name in the rhetoric soon enough. But the rhetorical Jared Lee Loughner is not who this disturbed young man really was. He is not some non political kid. He had a message. One that may have been misguided and crazy but a message that was his. If we do not attempt to understand that message, if we write him off as a non political nut job, then we run the risk of creating more like Jared Lee Loughner.

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