Saturday, October 4, 2008

Episode 19

last weekend after editing the show I headed into Lower Blackrock Spire, I have upgraded a couple pieces of gear over the last month thanks to badges and honor and decided it was time I finished soloing it to get my Upper Blackrock Spire key. While getting to the final boss was a piece of cake, the boss itself, Overlord Wyrmthalak, wanted to be a pain in my neck. my first attempt on him ended with me dead and him at 1% health, yes I said one attempt. My second attempt ended with him at 6% health and me dead and angry at my bumbling fingers hitting the wrong keys and allowing myself to die on something I should obviously pwn. Needless to say, I finally called out for help and Sathios, a level 70 hunter came out toadd that last little bit I needed to finish off Wyrmthalak, Then I went and soloed Emberstrife and back to LBRS to finish up the quest and get the ring that is the key. Woot! Now I can start trying to solo UBRS...might need help there too.

Then of course, I have started playing alot of Bejeweled with the new release of PopCaps official WoW Addon. I challenge you all to a bejewel off!!! fear my leet skillz, lawl!!! Anyway, it silly and my wife actually asked me why I continue to play WoW if I'm so bored I'm playing's a legit question I suppose.

Use your honor before the expansion!

As many of you have heard by now, Blizzard will be doing a complete honor wipe with the release of WotLK. This means any honor you have left when you log out Nov 12th will be gone when you log back in on Nov 13th, Lich Kings scheduled release date.

Blue poster, Eyonix, had something to add to the subject:

For those with unspent honor points prior to the release of the expansion, we will be offering a few upgrades and special rewards in next content patch solely for purchase via the honor system.

These items are cloaks and trinkets ( four of each for your theorycrafting pleasure ) And according to MMO Champion, the honor purchased gems are also undergoing a serious change, they won't be bind on pick up or unique-equipped anymore and players will be able to sell them at the AH.

Corrections and changes

Last week we reported a few things that either turned out to be untrue or were changed this week

First up, Blizzard has changed the requirement for the Leading the Cavalry achievement which yields the Albino Drake mount as a reward from 75 mounts down to only 50. This makes this achievement much more accessible to more players.

Next, Steve and I discussed Brewfest last week ( which we will be doing more of this week ) because Brewfest was only a day old at the time, we had spent that time preparing for the showing instead of ingame experiencing the content for ourselves. therefore, we reported what our sources had told us about the Boss and how to get to him. After releasing the episode however, we found that there was indeed a shortcut to the boss in BRD and that both mounts had a possibility of dropping for both factions.

Thanks to Evieloot on Laughing Skull and Teel from the Naughty Secretz guild on the Azuremyst server for clearly that up for us.

I guess we Schrammed it up on that one.

Speaking of wild rumors...

When asked, players who have been around since before the release of the Burning Crusade will often speak fondly of the Undead Invasion that occured just prior to and during the introduction of Naxxramas. Speaking personally, this was without a doubt my favorite in game event and I would love to see alot more of things like this on a regular basis in WoW. blizzard has hinted at the Undead invasion becoming an annual event which had people wetting themselves with joy, but alas that never happened and now that we can all see the new calendar we see its not listed there as a scheduled event ( though why an invasion would be announced or even annual makes no sense lorewise ) That being said however, Kisirani, a blue poster recently decided it was time to get us salivating all over again.

Responding to a poster who was concerned about the the necrotic runes still in his bank after so long and others responding they had long since deleted theirs ( Its been almost two years after all ) Kisirani said:

Still have your Necrotic Runes?



To which Springfoot of the Spinebreaker server posted:

This was why I had originally called it inconsiderate. Since the last scourge invasion, I have rolled 3 three new classes, deleted them, rerolled, transferred servers, left the game for 6 months, transferred back, reinstated characters...

I suppose I just find the time scale Blizzard is operating on to be inconsiderate. It's a little like telling someone "Hold onto that 2005 quarter, sonny! It'll be worth a lot of money someday." Sure thing, grandpa.

Interestingly enough, I believe both my mage and priest have a ton of those Runes on them - only because I don't play those characters anymore.

To which Kisirani replied:

If people chose to get rid of the runes, that's certainly their choice. I can understand wanting to free up bank space, certainly, particularly over the space of time.

Many people playing now never had the chance to get those runes, and if you have none you're right on par with them.

But I don't lie when I say the Necrotic Runes are going to have a use again... quite soon.

The important part of this is the last part of his statement: the Necrotic Runes are going to have a use again... quite soon. If this means we will see another Scourge invasion in the near future, I am all for it. but I hope Blizzard expands upon the previous event and creates something more immersive and even more fun than the last time. Blizzard has a tendency to revamp things a bit sometimes its better sometimes its not. I certainly hope they get it better this time because the Scourge invasion was hellafun.

Steve, have you seen Goriladin?

Hunters, if you don't have in your favorites by now...well, then you are a noob. But you don't have to remain a noob. Go to right nwo and save that website to your favorites. then ofcourse watch the Gorriladin video. yes, that's right, Gorilladin. AOE grinding for hunters in WotLk will be easier than ever before. Go watch the movie and learn 2 play. Big Red Kitty has long been one of the top hunter resources on the web and thsi latest edition proves he isn't slipping in the slightest. That Learn it, love it, live it.

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