Saturday, October 4, 2008

Episode 20

Episode 20

WoW Happenings

This week, I finally farmed, purchased or begged enough Dampscale Basilisk Eye's to become neutral with The Scryers. After that it was a matter of turning in the Firewing and Sunfury Signets I have collected since getting Grimme into Outlands. I had to use about 20 Arcane Tomes ( I had 27 saved up ) to finish it off but I went from neutral to exhalted in the time it took to do the tunr ins. So I have successfully completed my transformation from Aldor to Scryers...all for two tailoring recipes that will essentially become obsolete in less than two months. But it was something to do. Now my focus will be on earning I am under 2kg and possibly leveling my 19 warrior up a bit before Lich King hits.

It's the beginning of the month...don't forget to get your Consortium Gems and the Brew of the Month is.....

This months brew is Autumnal Acorn Ale Its a very special ale that gives the buff or debuff , friend of nature. This creates a Squirrel that runs up to you and either falls madly in love with you or bonks you on the head with an acorn, complete with the bonk sound effect. Its silly its stupid and its just plain fun. So I'm raising my bottle of Autumnal Acorn Ale to all you fellow Brew of the Month members and cheers!!!!

In an effort to expand our horizons a little Ive tracked down a little website that everyone should take a look at. offers the best little character sandbox I have ever seen. I loaded up my main and saw stats I didn't even know existed. It showed me that I should be able to with my frostbolt I should be able to get 5.9 damage for every 1 point of mana I spend, that I will generate 1503 threat per frostbolt or 601 threat per second. I played with the upgrade function and found out what my stats would be as I upgraded through various gear and using the 3D model veiwer I could even see what my character would look like if I were able to acquire these items. And thats just the from the cursory glance I took at it last night after hearing about it. I believe this website is a must for theorycrafters, or anyone else who like me are trying to upgrade their gear just a little bit before Lich King hits. Additionally, you can see who the top 50 guilds are on your server or the top players based on their gear score. Where do you rank amoung them...I was shockingly embarassed by where I ranked so don't even ask. So if you're wondering if that guild your thinking of joining is in the right profression phase for you, check it out here. You will need to register but it doesnt ask for an email and registration was instantatious. It took all of three seconds. Thats add it to your favorites and enjoy.

New Polymorph spells in Dalaran

Wow insider is reporting that there are two new polymorph spells for mages, which can be purchased in Dalarn. They are Polymorph:black cat and Polymorph:Serpent. This will give all you discerning mages a chance to have your polymorphs do something a bit dofferent than the same old sheep. But wait there's a catch. Each spell though purchaseable will cost you a whopping 2500g. So as much as Epic flying training to get them both. I realize that after we are all 80 and bored to tears with Lich King, getting these two spells may become my goal and at such time I may take great pride in the fact that I earned the gold to get these two completely useless cosmetic spells. At such time, I ask you our listeners, no ...I don't ask, I demend, that you flood us with emails about what a complete loser I truly am. All that being said I should, in all fairness to our listeners, who deserve the best fact checking we can possibly provide, tell you all right here and now that the source on this is none other than Mike Schramm who as many of you know is notorious for bad reporting and sensationalism. So if it turns out that these spells are not the uber gold sink as they are being made out to be, either Blizzard changed it before release or good ole Mike Scrammed it up again. Thanks.

Jay Mohr and Patton Oswald to headline Blizzcon

Thank god no one is going to Blizzcon to be entertained by these two D listers. Ok I like Jay Mohr in Jerry MacGuire as a stereotypical shallow loser and in Suicide Kings as the slightly crazy rich boy, great movie btw if you havent seen it youre really missing out, but Mohr has never been an A list stand up comdian, and Patton Oswald? Well unless he's gonna take a shot from an open window of the Texas Schoolbook depository...oh wait wrong oswald...who is this guy again? Yeah a nobody who hangs out at the lame vulgarfest called Celebrity Roast...unbelievably's some news to Network're losing ratings because your shows suck, I'm sick to death of reality TV. I don't care if some fat idiot middle aged hasbeen from a 80's boy band can dance, I want to see quality televison and while your at it, take a chance on something decent and quit stealing shows from the BBC, though that has been the best source of American television lately...whoa crazy tangent there. Anyway, thank god no one is planning on going to Blizzcon to be entertained by this so called "talent" Back to you, Luke.

Echoes of Doom

Blizzard has named patch 3.0.2 Echoes of Doom. This will be the last content patch before the release of WotLK on November 13th. Now I realize alot of people dont want to listen to another podcast that just reads from the patch notes, and we won't get crazy into that but I feel we should hit upon the major points of this patch which are:

* New class spells and talents
* Stormwind Harbor
* Barbershops in Capital Cities
* New Zeppelin Towers
* Two Brand New Arenas
* Hunter Pet skill revamp
* Inscription profession
* new User interface Options like the new pet and mount spell pages
* Achievement System

And alot more. For a complete breakdown of whats coming in the patch ( believed to be coming either this week or next ) go to official world of warcraft website and click on their under decelopment link found on the left hand side of the page.

Brewfest is over!

Last night, at 11pm my time, brewfest offically ended. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth, mostly behind my keyboard as I realized brewfest was not going to last another day as I had believed and I did not yet have enough tokens to purchase a full set of brewfest clothing so my undead could look like an idiot ready to polka. But its required for the achievement and I ahve nothing else to do in game so what the heck I thought Id go for it. I stood there waiting for the Dark Irons to come up out of the ground and try to drink from the kegs as I frantically drank and threw my mug to bonk them on the noggen thereby preventing them from drinking up all the brew and well, instead, everything just it faded away into whatever netherworld it goes to, many players who stood with me expressed dismay and frustration. But all good things must pass and while, in my opinion, this wasnt the best brewfest ever, it was fun and I will look back on it fondly....the first of every month when I get to try a new brew. And watch out for the broken bottles as I throw them willy nilly at people as they stand outside Orgrimmar Bank...Hey its fun for me.

Tigole on Battlegrounds

we are exploring ideas that would involve expanding our Battleground content in future patches and beyond. We believe we have some strong ideas for improving Battlegrounds and PvP as a whole in the game and we're definitely going to focus on improvements in the future...We also want the gameplay experience in the BGs to be better directed. We're also exploring the concept of a complimentary "competitive" bg system as well. Over time, we'd like the focus of PvP to shift back to being more BG-centric and more focused on Horde versus Alliance -- the core of our game.

We're also planning on improving some Battleground and PvP features in general. For example, we want to give you the ability to queue for Battlegrounds from anywhere in the world. We're also going to explore EXP gain through the PvP system as well as low level itemization to support that.

TBC Raid instances nerfed

MMO Champion is reporting this week that all monsters in TBC raid instances had their health points reduced by 30%, bosses included. This was later confirmed by Bornakk and the story was then picked up by WoW Insider. Bornakk went on to say that all physical damage done by the nerfed mobs has been nerfed as well, though not their spell damage. This means theyll be hitting you for less and have less hit points and be much more soloable once we are all level 80. Thanks Blizz, though I can solo trash mobs in Hellfire Ramparts, the bosses are too tough for my little mage, maybe at 80 it'll be different now.


World of Raids has posted a great article on Championing, a new reputaion gain feature coming in Wrath. It seems while wearing the tabard of a particular fashion, which can now be purchased at friendly instead of the usual exhalted, all reputation gained while in a level 80 dungeon will be applied to that particular faction. The shortest dungeons sum up to a 300 gain in normal mode, 1000 in heroic mode, the longest close to 700 in normal and 2000 in heroic. So far I am only aware of four factions this will work for. The Argent Crusade, from which I will get the Brillient Spellthread recipe, Kirin Tor, who will sell to me my Saphire Spellthread at Exhalted, The Knights of the Ebon Blade, who hold the secrets to the 32 slot soul bag, and finally The Wyrmrest Accord, who sell the pattern for the Mysterious Bag, which turns out to be a 32 slot enchanting bag and of course exhalted with the Wyrmrest means access to the Red Drake flying mount, so yeah I'll probably be working that one to exhalted. The article explains everything you need to know about Championing...its not that difficult really, but if you want to read it and take a look at the factions and their rewards head over to And as long as we're talking about factions, click the link to the Kalu'ak faction. At Exhalted you get access to the Penguin pet and an epic fishing pole that allows for underwater breathing and gives +30 fishing. The Kalu'ak cannot be championed unfortunately but apparently it has plenty of quests to give so we shall see.

Gigantique bag news

Remember back when Haris Pilton was turned into a vendor selling the Gigantique bag, the 22 slot bag, for outrageous amounts of gold? Well, if you listened to The Grind back then you probably heard us say that there was no way Blizzard would not give tailors a decent sized bag to create in the expansion. Everyone remeber that? Well, we got one right. With exhalted reputaion with the Sons of Hodir factions, a group of friendly giants, tailors will gains access to the pattern for the Glacial bag a 22 slot BoE bag. The mats are 4 moonshroud, 4 ebonweave and a Eternium thread. How rare those items are or how expensive they might be is unknown but I guarantee it'll be cheaper then the Gigantique bag...of course the Gigantique bag does have at least one achievment attached to it, so you just know people will place their coins in the gold sink, just because. Word is however, the quest line to get to nuetral with this faction is similar to getting to nuetral with the Netherwings. A long quest line some reporting as long as 20 quests, but much easier and much more fun than the Netherwing rep questline. No word yet on how to raise it from neutral to exhalted but hey, it cant be that tough right?

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