Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lucky Thirteen!

One may be the loneliest number but its lucky when its followed by the three. Yes, Grimmish hit level 13 tonight. I had a rough time of it too. I got stuck behind enemy lines with the supply quest in the Barrens and died three times. I made a stupid mistake and instead of fixing it calmly and patiently, I just kept banging my head against the wall. Eventually, the quest was complete and I put my noob hat back in the closet.

It's true what they say, in case you were wondering, warriors do seem to be very gear dependent. I've taken mining and blacksmithing in hopes that I can craft something decent but I know better. The AH will always offer a better upgrade, than crafting ( at least until high levels ) so it means I'll have to bite the bullet on this one. I have a real dislike for buying gear off the AH. I usually only use the AH to sell items almost never to buy ( crafting mats only )

Grimmish is now parked at the inn in the Barrens ( I survived the chat but didn't buy the T-Shirt ) There I will let him rest as I need to farm 10 Primal Waters with my Frost Mage this weekend and the wife is dragging me out of town for the day tomorrow. She wants to see 10, 000 B.C. Personally I couldn't care less about the movie, but if Mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy. Anyway, I plan on letting Grimmish sit for a few days while I farm and let his rested get up there. Just have to get him to 20 then the experience rewards increase and leveling is faster.

As an end note, I haven't yet decided if I will pause the leveling on him to do a full pvp gear upgrade at level 29. I hate Warsong Gulch but sometimes we have to just take it like a man and do what needs to be done.

Nuff said

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