Monday, March 17, 2008

The Battle for Sun's Reach

With the looming threat of the Burning Legion’s activities on the Isle of Quel’Danas the Sha’tar have combined the Aldor and Scryer forces to form the Shattered Sun Offensive. Their first mission: assault the Blood Elves’ position on the Isle of Quel’Danas and take the town of Sun’s Reach by force. With the release of Patch 2.4 players will have the opportunity to participate in this raging conflict and help establish Sun’s Reach as a fully functional town.

The battle itself occurs in several stages and each stage has multiple objectives. To advance these objectives players must complete daily quests around the Isle but because they are dailies each character may only contribute a set amount per day. In this way it takes several hundreds of players days to progress through each stage. You may speak with the quest giver NPC’s to receive an update on your server’s progress towards each objective

Stage 1

Primary Objective: Taking Sun’s Reach Sanctum

When players first arrive on the Isle of Quel’Danas the Shattered Sun Offensive’s forward troops have already taken a small building on the north end of Sun’s Reach and deemed it the Shattered Sun Staging Area. The first step of the battle is to take the Sun’s Reach Sanctum to the south. To do this a server’s players must complete the following two dailies:

Secondary Objective: Breaking Into the Sunwell

The Sunwell Plateau 25-person raid instance requires no attunement but each server initially only has access to the first 3 of 6 boss encounters. The final encounters are guarded by 3 separate magical barriers that block passage. To break through these barriers each server must turn in several [Essence of the Immortals] to Archmage Ne’thul for the following three quests:

Archmage Ne’thul is aboard the Night Elf landing ship docked in the harbor. The [Essence of the Immortals] drops from Lady Vashj, Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider, Archimonde, Illidan Stormrage, and any of the preliminary bosses in the Sunwell Plateau.

Stage 2

Primary Objective: Taking Sun’s Reach Armory

With the Sanctum under control the Shattered Sun Offensive turn towards their next objective: the Sun’s Reach Armory. The armory is a vital target that will house the majority of the Sun’s Reach item vendors. To take the armory players must complete these two dailies:

Secondary Objective: Activating the Portal from Shattrath

The energized Sanctum may be used as a focus for a magical portal but the portal itself must first be constructed. Speak with Exarch Nasuun in Shattrath City’s Terrace of Light to accept his daily quest to build the new gateway.

The portal only functions one way taking players from Shattrath City to the Isle of Quel’Danas. To return players may use Darnarian’s Scroll of Teleportation rewarded from the daily quest Know Your Ley Lines. Because it is a daily you may only receive one scroll per day so make sure to use it wisely.

Stage 3

Primary Objective: Taking Sun’s Reach Harbor

The Sun’s Reach Harbor is the final area of Sun’s Reach to reclaim. It includes the large, three-story building on the east side of Sun’s Reach as well as the Blood Elf ship the Silvermoon’s Pride that is docked in the harbor. Once taken the harbor will provide the remaining amenities of a town such as an innkeeper, mailbox, stable master, poison supplier, and additional reputation vendors. Another set of daily quests is required to complete this stage:
  • Taking the Harbor -- You must slay several different types of Dawnblade Blood Elves. They can be found at the Sun’s Reach Harbor on the east side of Sun’s Reach or in Dawnstar Village west of Sun’s Reach. When this stage is complete this becomes the daily quest Crush the Dawnblade.
  • Intercept the Reinforcements -- This quest is composed of two parts. The first is a very basic bombing run on the Blood Elf ships just off the coast of the Isle of Quel’Danas. After setting fire to the ships your dragonhawk will land you on the lead ship. Finish your quest by killing six of the Dawnblade Reservists aboard the ships. When finished interact with the dragonhawk again to receive a flight back to land. After this stage is complete this becomes the daily quest Keeping the Enemy at Bay.

Secondary Objective: Constructing the Anvil

Smith Hauthaa at the Sun’s Reach Armory will be able to repair weapons and armor as well as sell the new [Badge of Justice] rewards but to do these she will need a proper forge and anvil. Speak with her to accept her daily quest that will allow you to gather materials for the new anvil.

Stage 4

Primary Objective: Restocking the Alchemist

With Sun’s Reach under complete control of the Shattered Sun Offensive there are only a few remaining tasks to establish the town. Inside the harbor building are an alchemist and a jewelcrafting vendor that are currently closed for business. The alchemist Mar’nah offers a daily quest to restock her supplies.

Secondary Objective: Building the Memorial

Anchorite Ayuri in the center of Sun’s Reach would like to build a war memorial honoring those who lost their lives in the battle. To build her memorial she offers a daily quest to accept donations from the server. - original post found here.

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